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Bob Dylan Fever Dream

This Was So Weird…
(December 7, 2023)

Video Transcript:

I just want to share something strange.

It’s almost… intimate.

It’s almost something that I feel like I shouldn’t necessarily share. Which is kinda crazy cuz I’m known for oversharing, especially on the internet.

This was so weird, so bizarre. I think it has significance.

The Tulsa Bob Dylan Museum. I totally wanna go there.

I found out about it in Dec. 2022 when I got back into Bob Dylan again. I’ll talk about my history with Bob Dylan in another recording.

It was just after Christmas 2022 and for a couple weeks I had been super back into Bob Dylan, just going hard.

I came down with the flu after Christmas.

For the first time in my life, I had fever dreams.

These fever dreams were about Bob Dylan.

It was an entire afternoon/early evening where I was so sick and feverish that I dreamed these hyper-realistic dreams about Bob Dylan for what felt like hours.

There was this one dream that I can see crystal clear in my mind.

It was a museum exhibit.

There were books. Black and white. A series of books with black and white covers.

They were inside of a glass display case.

It was futuristic. It was shuffling the books. It was like a motorized book shuffling machine.

It would keep shuffling these books into different formations.

I don’t know what any of the books were called or what specifically was on the cover of any of these books.

I just knew in my mind that these books were by Bob Dylan, and they were not lyrics or autobiographies. They were something else.

I don’t know if they were fiction or what they were. There were probably 10 books. And they were all by Bob Dylan.

And they weren’t anything that we know about right now.

As time has gone on and I’ve remembered this dream specifically for almost a year now…

I’ve just been wondering, has Bob written a ton of stuff that we don’t know about yet?

I know that he said he doesn’t like to write books because he doesn’t want to proofread back over them.

That’s what editors are for.

I just have this feeling that there are literary works by Bob Dylan that we don’t know about yet but may know about in the future.

Maybe even posthumous releases or something.

I just feel like there’s something up Bob’s sleeve.

There are things we don’t know, but we’re gonna know someday.

It also occurred to me that maybe Eddie G, who was involved in Theme Time Radio Hour and Philosophy of Modern song…

Maybe rather than ghostwriting for Bob, he edits what Bob writes.

If it’s true that Bob has a bunch of literary works that we don’t know about yet, could you imagine?

How prolific can one person be?

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Bob Dylan: Thoughts On Mortality

It’s All Saved
(December 5, 2023)

Video Transcript:

It’s just an interest that you have, kinda like any other interest.

I love “Gunsmoke” too, it’s like the greatest show of all time. I realize the gravity of what I’m saying there.

I love The Twilight Zone, Barney Miller, I Love Lucy. There are several shows I love, but Gunsmoke is the greatest fuckin’ show of all time, it is what it is.

I feel the same way about Bob Dylan. He’s a subject, he’s like a genre.

But he’s also a person. Which is exciting. And that’s hot.

Cuz even though he’s 82 right now…

Dude, I’m just stoked on Bob Dylan.

I’ll tell you what I wish… I wish Bob Dylan was 40 again.

I wish there was so much more time to play.

To just have Bob here.

It’s greedy, it’s selfish, but that’s just the way I feel about it.

I just wish that he could be here for longer.

But in a way that is awesome for him, you know?

Because being mega old does not look fun.

My grandma is 92…

When you’re THAT OLD, and let me tell you there’s a world of difference between 82 and 92…

It’s a lot.

I just hope that someday, in the future, they create some way to extend life.

But not in a weird, soul compromising ultimatum for eternal youth…

But scientific, real ways of extending life to where…

Yeah you may be 90, but your physical quality of life is good.

It just looks like it sucks to be old.

And I don’t want that.

To think about Bob Dylan and what an amazing life he’s had…

You couldn’t ask for a more interesting experience as a human here on this planet.

That pretty much takes the cake.

I’m sure that he doesn’t give a crap, but…

For those of us who are so intrigued by him and what he represents…

History, culture, embodied and pioneered…

I just wish that he could just stay forever.

But nobody stays forever, nothing lasts forever.

And in past eras of the Earth’s history…

Atlantis, Lemuria, all the lost continents throughout the Earth Ages…

They’ve all had their own Bob Dylan. Every civilization in Earth’s history has had their own Bob Dylan.

It’s like that song by Donovan, “On board were the 12.” They’ve always been here.

But history gets wiped out and they’re forgotten.

They always come back.

But that one song that Bob Dylan’s archetype had in Atlantis…

Nobody will ever hear that again.

That one poem that Atlantis’s Edgar Allan Poe wrote. No one will ever read that again.

And I know it’s all recorded in the Akashic records, the universal conscious. It’s all saved.

It just fascinates me to think that things that are such a big deal right now…

Things that are held in high esteem and obsessed over, someday it’ll all be washed asunder.

And no one will ever lays eyes on it again or hear it again.

Not that version of it, not that vibration. It’ll be gone.

I find it fascinating to live in this era where we’re here, in the now.

And it’s never gonna be again. Not in exactly the same way.

It’ll be different next time.

And I really like this version of it. I don’t want things to change.

Even though we’re totally not in a Golden Age right now.

We’re kind of like… before the Golden Age.

So I’m sure whatever happens next time will be even better…

I’m just nostalgic. I just have a special place in my heart for this time we’re in.

I’m just so entertained.

By every aspect of it.

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Bob Dylan Richmond KY 2023 Concert Review

It Was Mystical
(December 4, 2023)

Video Transcript:

I went to a Bob Dylan concert in Richmond, KY on December 2, 2023 and it was magical.

I did not go expecting it to be magical. I didn’t want to have high expectations and get disappointed for whatever reason.

I read a lot of reviews about the concerts and about how people act in the crowds sometimes.

Also, sometimes Bob’s obstructed by a hat on top of his piano or a water bottle or whatever.

I just didn’t want to set myself up for disappointment, but…

It was unbelievable.

And it was a journey for me too.

First of all, when I bought the ticket in October, I couldn’t believe it.

Bob Dylan came to Richmond, KY. He didn’t come to Lexington, he didn’t come to Louisville, he didn’t come to Nashville.

Those are places I don’t approve of as far as going there to see a show. It’s just not gonna happen.

I’ve been to Nashville to see shows, but I’m not going to Louisville and I’m not going to Lexington because the Man O War is crazy to drive, I’m staying away.

I had restrictions on where I would be willing to go to see Bob Dylan, and I said to myself like a year ago…

If Bob Dylan comes to Kentucky somewhere that isn’t scary as fuck to get to, I gotta go. It’s just like a sign from God. And it happened.

I got my ticket in October and I was like, “This is a couple months away, that’s a long time.” And of course it went by really fast.

I couldn’t even believe that I’d actually gotten a ticket for that entire time. I planned for it, but I was just like, “Come on, this isn’t real.”

So when the day came, I made the trek over the mountains and through the woods. The way there wasn’t bad because it was daylight…

But on the way back it took every ounce of concentration I had. It was pouring rain, it was foggy.

I listened to the same song on repeat for almost the entire way, which was “Hysteria” by Def Leppard.

I was just feeling the vibes and that’s what I do when I drive if I need to be in the zone because of challenging conditions, or if I’m obsessed with a song I’ll just put it on repeat forever.

I’m still processing my thoughts and feelings. The fact that I actually saw Bob Dylan in concert…

And I saw him good too.

Bob Dylan was pretty damn close.

I could see him clearly the entire time, I can’t even believe it.

It was so…

Honestly, it was weird.

Because my seat was on the aisle behind the handicapped section and there wasn’t another row of seats directly in front of me, nobody was obstructing my view.

I was so lucky to get that seat, I didn’t realize it was so great. When I bought the ticket, it was just the closest seat that was on the aisle, which I have to have.

I’d hoped it was a good view, and it was just insanely good.

You can tell Bob does this a lot.

He does this A LOT dude.

That kind of perspective, traveling around just doing show after show, for decades?

What must that be like?

To have that experience, I can’t even imagine.

Bob has seen every single kind of person. At least 100 times, and probably way more than that.

What is that like? What would you even see anymore when you look at people, when you see a crowd? What would you even see? How would you feel about it?

And who can relate to that? Nobody can relate to that.

So Bob stands alone, and I really don’t envy that at all.

I don’t envy Bob Dylan for being as famous and beloved as he is, and people also hate on him. It’s crazy.

I think you gotta be a special type of person to take that, it’s gotta be your destiny. Cuz otherwise, how would you function?

After seeing him, it was incredible, and he was amazing but…

What is it like for him?

You’ve done it so much… can it ever be special anymore?

I can’t imagine.

Somehow Bob makes you feel like it IS special. Which is…

True showmanship, pure mastery.

He can make you feel like you’re the only person in the room.

The way he delivers the lyrics is just powerful.

He IS music, he IS lyrics, that’s just what he is.

Also, 60 years of constant practice probably doesn’t hurt either.

But not just anybody would be able to do that.

I didn’t know that he was pretty much psychic. Because when he’s up there on that stage, he’s just pounding it out but…

He’s also just so huge and expanded in his awareness that he takes up a huge area with his presence and his essence.

So when he’s singing the words, it’s not just words coming out of his mouth, it’s like…

Tentacles of magnetism that reach you and move you around.

I was literally swayed around by the words Bob Dylan was saying.

I didn’t need to understand every single word he was saying, because it’s beyond words.

It’s just imbued with this essence.

It’s like…

No wonder he’s Bob Dylan.

It’s beyond magical.

I didn’t expect that. I didn’t go expecting that.

But from the second I got there, it was in the air. There was magic in the air.

It was gentle magic. Soft magic. I didn’t expect it to feel like that.

It was like a lover, not a fighter kind of magic.

It was like a gentle, soft, purple magic.

I swear I’m not trolling, I’m so serious right now.

It was like a misty, foggy, hazy magic. It was mystical.

And where I parked…

I ended up pretty much right by where they park the tour buses.

I didn’t even see them for a while, but when I did I was like whoa.

I just didn’t expect to see that. I expected to see the front of the building or something.

I didn’t expect for it to be so personal. It felt as personal as a concert with thousands of other people can feel.

But it was special…

I think I saw Bob Dylan walking around outside of the tour bus.

It could have been anyone, but…

It was this mysterious hooded figure.

I kinda think it was Bob Dylan.

And Bob Dylan on stage?

Say maybe that WAS Bob Dylan in front of the tour bus like an hour before the show…

Imagine if that was him. That was just like a regular person walking around out there.

And then he gets on stage and he’s wearing these sparkly pants and he’s dressed to the nines.

He carries this absolute legend with him onto the stage.

Like I said, I don’t understand the perspective of somebody who’s had that kind of life experience.

To play that many shows and be that renown is something that even other famous people…

Have they really had that experience? Cuz I’m pretty sure Bob’s had that experience harder than anybody.

Elvis died pretty young though to be fair, I don’t think he’s a good example.

But I’m just trying to think of other people who are ridiculously famous.

I love Bob and I appreciate the fact that he’s been doing this for so long…

He’s truly incredible.

There’s so much muscle memory involved with what he does too. It’s almost like you could autopilot through it.

But I imagine it probably requires an intense amount of concentration to play the music and be amazing.

It seems kind of like a hard job.

Being in front of all the crowds? I’ve never gotten the impression that Bob is ever nervous. Like in his entire career.

Maybe I’m just oblivious to the way Bob feels, but I just never got the vibe that he ever had stagefright.

Maybe he did at one time, but it sure doesn’t seem like it anymore.

Seems like any type of nervousness he had getting in front of a ton of people is like, way long gone.

And now it’s just as common to him as getting up in the morning…

Eating a piece of toast, brushing your teeth, checking the mail. It’s like it’s as routine to him as something like that.

I just wonder…

I wonder so much.

I still have so many questions.

Ironically, the answer doesn’t come in words. It comes in feelings and emotions.

That magnetic, psychic force that sways you. That’s where the answers are.

I don’t need to know anything else.

I just need to feel it.

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The Scandalous Writings of Bob Dylan

I Need This From You
(November 29, 2023)

Video Transcript:

This is probably gonna be my least cohesive discussion yet, but I’ve gotta go in on this.

Is it just me, or is ~Philosophy of Modern Song kind of horny??

It just seems like maybe they’re giving Bob a ton of testosterone to keep him in tiptop shape…

But there were things in PhMoSo that did not sound like they could have come from a man of Bob’s age.

I know men basically never quit, but it just seems excessive.

And that was another reason I was skeptical that Bob even wrote it.

I’m not a hella expert on Bob Dylan, but I’ve never known him to be particularly dirty.

I’ve never known him to be sexually scandalous.

I just kinda wonder, what’s up with that?

And I’ve also wondered if maybe he wrote PhMoSo over the course of years and years.

Maybe he wrote some of that stuff when he was a lot younger or something.

I’m mildly perplexed by this and just really intrigued.

He’s left me wanting more.

I feel like Bob has been holding out on us.

If he was capable of this all along, then why hasn’t he released more stuff like this?

Why doesn’t he just give us more dirty talk?

Bob, please I’m begging you, before you die can you please just give us more?

I want Bob to write straight fucking filth and release that shit at like 85.

Go hard, Bob.

Just don’t stop.

I need this from you.

Some of the things in PhMoSo were straight up scandalous.

Some of it was just straight up dirty.

And if this is really Bob, dare I say…

I kind of like his regular writing more than I like his lyrics.

It honestly drives me wild.

I know it’s a lot to ask and I know he’s already given us so much but…

Just, please. More.

More dirty stuff, Bob, you know exactly what we want. Just deliver.

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Modern Song: World Gone Wrong Connection

So The Ghostwriting Thing…
(November 28, 2023)

Video Transcript:

So this is a followup to my original review of the Philosophy of Modern Song, which at this point was like damn near a year ago.

And since then I’ve been down the rabbit hole on various aspects of Bob Dylan in general.

Specifically though, Bob Dylan’s relationship with Eddie Gorodetsky who he gives credit to for helping him with PhMoSo. But there’s no indication of what exactly Eddie contributed.

When I made that original review I had not read all that much of the book. I had skipped around and read whatever stuck out to me. The things I came across were gems. I guess the book is probably just full of gems.

There were some semi-perverted things in it that really just rocked my socks and I was like “Oh, fuck yeah, I’m all about this.” I’ll talk about that in another recording.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this whole Eddie G thing because Eddie G was responsible for Theme Time Radio Hour as well, right? And TTRH was what, like 2004, 2005?

How long have Bob and Eddie known each other?

We know that they’ve known each other for at least 20 years, but how long did they know each other before that?

The reason I’m curious is because I recently came across the liner notes to “World Gone Wrong” which was 1992.

The liner notes bear a very strong resemblance to what is written in PhMoSo.

The only difference is that the liner notes are a little rough around the edges when it comes to things like capitalization, punctuation, etc.

So my question is this…

Because they are so similar, there are a couple of possibilities.

(1) Either Bob Dylan actually is responsible for PhMoSo, and that possibility opens up a whole can of delicious worms for me, which I’ll explain in another recording.

Possibility (2) is that back in 1992, Bob and Eddie G knew each other, and Eddie was writing things for Bob.

That’s like 31 years ago at the time of recording this. What are the odds that they knew each other back then? Did they know each other back then?

So the ghostwriting thing…

Say Eddie G is responsible for the bulk of PhMoSo, well then it’s the same style as the 1992 WGW liner notes, meaning he must have written those too.

Because what is Eddie contributing exactly to PhMoSo? What did Eddie contribute to TTRH?

I was under the impression that Eddie wrote TTRH and Bob Dylan just read it. And he did a great job reading it, cuz it was awesome.

But did Eddie write PhMoSo, TTRH style, and Bob Dylan just read it?

Or did Bob really write it?

How long have they known each other, and is Eddie G just basically Bob Dylan’s ghostwriter?

If he was around in 1992 and wrote the WGW liner notes…

Then did he also write ~Chronicles Vol. 1? Because I felt like it was the same voice as PhMoSo, and I still kind of agree with that.

This is a whole other recording, but Chronicles is a lot more book-like, autobiographical, it’s not the same as PhMoSo.

To me, if Eddie G has really been around in Bob’s life since 1992…

Then I feel like Chronicles was way more written by Bob than by Eddie. I feel like Bob probably really did write that book more than he wrote PhMoSo.

And what really drives me up the wall is that we’ll never know the answer to these things.

If Eddie G really is ghostwriting these books, I appreciate that Bob has been using the same ghostwriter for all these years.

It lends familiarity and consistency to the writings at least.

If Eddie has ghostwritten these works for Bob…

Any appreciator of Bob Dylan who knows their sh*t has heard the theories that Bob’s always used ghostwriters, like since the beginning.

If it’s not true and if Bob really has written these books, then it’s so weird that people think he’s been using a ghostwriter forever.

Imagine having written all that stuff, and people are like “Bob Dylan didn’t write that, somebody else wrote that! Ghostwriter!” That would suck.

I have more thoughts about PhMoSo that I’d like to share in later recordings.

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Philosophy of Modern Song Review

This Book Is Wild
(Audio: January 30, 2023)
(Video: November 21, 2023)

Video Transcript:

So there are rumors going around that ~The Philosophy of Modern Song was ghostwritten for Bob Dylan, or specifically it was ghostwritten by the people who are responsible for ~Theme Time Radio Hour. TTRH was obviously on the radio so it had to be dialed back for a general audience like a PG-13 type deal.

There were some kind of dirty-ish jokes throughout some of those episodes but nothing too bad.

I can definitely kinda see the parallels between PhMoSo and and TTRH.

It’s almost like PhMoSo is X-rated TTRH.

Just because you can read PhMoSo and hear it in Bob Dylan’s voice doesn’t mean Bob Dylan wrote it.

If PhMoSo was ghostwritten for Bob Dylan, then that means that we’ve got a serious problem because one of two things happened…

(1) This book was slid across Bob’s desk and he opens it up and flips through it a little bit and he’s like “Okay fine whatever just publish it I don’t even care.”

And he didn’t even read it.

Possibility (2) is that Bob Dylan is like totally senile now and they just haven’t told us.

And for some ungodly reason they decided to release this book under Bob Dylan’s name.

It would be totally disrespectful.

Listen, I wanna believe Bob Dylan wrote this book but at the same time it’s like, are you okay Bob?

For real.

Let’s address some of the claims of misogyny.

I don’t know what to call this, but it’s NOT misogyny.

Misogyny is like down here and this book is like WAY up here.

This is intense.

As a woman, am I offended by this?

The only thing that offends me is that there’s not MORE.

I just want more.

Here’s the thing…

At the end of the day, I don’t even care if Bob Dylan didn’t write this book. I just want more.

Whoever wrote this, please just don’t stop.

Whatever you write in the future, just make sure you do it under the guise of Bob Dylan, because that Bob Dylan name is the cherry on top of this.

The mental imagery of 80 year old Bob Dylan writing this…

It’s just hilarious to me.

This book is wild.

The writing style, the voice, it seems the same as ~Chronicles Vol. 1 which was supposedly written by Bob without a ghostwriter.

I want to believe Bob wrote this book and I kinda think he did, but at the same time, is he just taking the piss?

This book makes “Tarantula” look like it makes sense. That’s how fucked up this book is.

I can’t hear Bob Dylan saying some of these things.

Most of it I can hear in the voice of Bob Dylan, TTRH style.

Just certain words in this book, I can’t…

I just can’t seem to actually hear Bob saying that, so I’m gonna need an audio book version that is read by Bob 100% because Listen, we need to know you’re okay Bob.

Just come out and tell us in no uncertain terms, “Yeah I’m totally fine, I’m not out of my mind, I wrote that book and that’s just what I think.”

If we had an audiobook version of this read by Bob, then he would obviously have to know that this is supposed to be his book right?

Yes, PhMoSo 10/10, would recommend, absolute must have for any Bob Dylan fan…

And if you are the one who ghostwrote this book and Bob Dylan is out there somewhere senile, fuck you, you are sick.

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Until Next Time Quartzsite

(April 13, 2019)

Video Transcript:

Hey y’all.

So, I sinned.

And I got some Subway and that’s just all there is to that.

(holds up ~A&W)

Got me a root beer, and it’s about to be on.

Essentially what I’d like to say is that I have gotten some sun exposure today.

Like, you know the slight smell of burnt skin when you go to a tanning salon, you can smell everybody’s nasty skin burning, that’s what it smells like.

And I can feel the feeling of having been a little bit sunburnt. Y’all, I don’t get sun exposure, it’s just something that doesn’t happen in my life. So I got some sun exposure, and the sun is hot. And it’s not just because I’m dressed warm for the area of the world that I’m in. That’s not the reason why I’m so hot.

If I wasn’t wearing all these clothes, the sun would be burning me even harder.


It’s fairly likely that I’m gonna have to move along cuz it’s gonna be even hotter tomorrow.

And the issue is you can’t just sit around all day with your air conditioner on. Birtha doesn’t like to idle, Birtha likes to move. If she’s gonna be on, she better be going somewhere. She likes to power. She doesn’t just wanna sit there and provide you some air conditioner.

Birtha and I, we don’t use air conditioner. It’s gotta be like 100 degrees for me to turn the AC on.

I crack the window and that’s it. So when I turn the AC on, Birtha’s like, “What’re you doing?” and
I’m like, “Girl, I know.”

Birtha pressures me, she lets me know.

And there are like flies and stuff, y’all.

gets out foot long sub

I’m a bad girl, like bad.

Look what I done went and did.

I totally am sunburnt, I can feel it. It was one of my goals to become sunburnt. I wanted it all over my body, and I’ll get it, don’t worry.

So the guy at the Subway was pretty hot dude, he looked kinda like one of my first loves, like one of my hardcore crushes. He had long hair and he tied it back in a ponytail and he was fine.

And I always get a turkey with extra American cheese. And it kind of got to a point where he was getting frustrated with the extra cheese.

He was arranging it in a pattern or whatever and it was intensive and he got tired of it. But he was super nice, it was never a problem but I could just tell he was like, “This fuckin’ bitch and her extra cheese, dude.”

And then I went up to the counter and I bought this A&W from the guy up there, and I was like super nice to him, winkin’ at him and shit. But not in like an all out pure and total flirting kinda way, cuz that’s just the way I treat people sometimes. But he thought it was about to be somethin’, you know what I’m sayin’? It was great.

He was getting hassled by his female co-worker though because she could tell I was kinda flirting with him and he was kinda liking it and she just wasn’t having it.

This heat done has me frazzled today, if you were me, you’d be wearing this hat right now too. It’s hot and bright out here and it’s hardcore. I don’t know how people put up with temperatures 20 degrees hotter out here. That’s the reason the camprground host yanked the sign and the covered bench down. They’re about to leave this place because it’s gonna get super duper hot.

I came at the very end of the season.

Let me tell you one thing about me…

I like to eat, okay?

There are times when I don’t eat, and I eat very little. I have a sordid history. But I fuckin’ like to eat, okay I do.

The shadow from this hat is like the matrix lattice all over my face and neck, I’m lowkey turnt by that, that’s my shit right there.

I digress, this is so fuckin’ good…


And you know what?

I could have just gone all day on the soup. But the heat forced me to go into town and just do what I saw a lot of other people doing, which was sitting in their vehicles idling with their AC on.

Or they just go and hang out in the gas stations, stores and fast food places because they have AC.

And I’ve seen a guy cruising town in this very memorable van. That’s what he’s doing all day. He’s going around all day running his AC and parking it up at night.

I can’t do that, if I’m gonna drive Birtha, I’m gonna drive Birtha out of some shit. I’m not just gonna cruise around or sit around and run the AC all day.

It’s a happy medium. It’s a hard balance to strike, it’s hard to find somewhere that is a perfect temperature during the day and a perfect temperature at night. Or just bearable, something that you can put up with.

I was thinking, well it’s to better to deal with a little bit hotter weather during the day than to have to deal with colder nighttime temperatures. I don’t know about that. Now I’m thinking it might be better to go somewhere with better nighttime temperatures that are a little bit too cold for my preferences to have temperatures that are better during the day.

If I wanted to sit in my car with the windows open and stuff, it wouldn’t be too hot to do that.

Dude, these flies…


And it’s like, I could pitch a tent and hang out in the tent. And that was my plan, admittedly.


shakes head

It’s hot as balls, you guys.

I wish I could drive Birtha around and just never stop. Just never stop driving. Just keep driving. Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

Heaven is a place where I drive Birtha all fuckin’ day, and then I stop at an interstate rest area, and then I repeat again the next day.

And sometimes every now and then, just for a little variation and a little bit of a variety, sometimes we leave the rest area in the middle of the night because things are a little bit weird. And we drive on to the next rest area and stay there for the rest of the night.

Heaven is a place where I just drive Birtha all day, just drive it. On the interstate. And select desert roads.

I love to drive.

eating, thinking

This is how you learn. What works, what doesn’t work. What’s feasible and what’s not.

And I definitely feel like right here right now is almost not feasible.

I can kick it right here for the rest of the day and the rest of tonight, but it’s hotter tomorrow and I can’t take it.

I’m such a contradictory motherfucker, cuz I’m sick of cold, I want heat. But now it’s like too hot.

I’m still sick of the cold, still wanna be warm. But it’s a fine line.

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Breakfast Chitchat From The Desert

(April 13, 2019)

Video Transcript:

Mornin’ everybody!

It’s time for breakfast…

(holds up can of ~Campbell’s Chunky Old Fashioned Vegetable Beef soup)

Not feeling too adventurous about flavors today so we’re just going for something tried and true, definitely good, can’t be bad right? We’re gonna find out.

It’s a nice morning. Gorgeous.


Yeah, see now that’s good.

nodding in approval

It doesn’t even need to be warmed up.

Mmm, damn!

Breakfast of the gods.

I have my camera ~Velcro’d to my car right now, I love Velcro. One of the greatest inventions ever.

studies soup can

Mmm, damn.

continues eating

Starting to get kinda full.

I have to say, what would be nice right now would be some coffee, but…

There’s really no way for me to do that. I do have a little alcohol camping stove. And a pot. And I could heat up some water and make some coffee if I wanted to make some coffee.

But I really just got that for emergencies. I don’t think I’d willie-nillie just be pulling it out and using it all the time.

Some coffee would be nice though.

drinks water

First time I’ve ever used this camping chair. It’s orange. I like orange.

Should probably take a walk.

I put the empty soup can in the trash bag and I guess the trashbag had a hole in it and some of the liquid leaked out on the towel I keep on the seat. So I had to wash the towel off and put it over my camping chair to dry a little bit.

It just got me to thinking, beans don’t do that. Beans are pretty clean. I just get the little miniature cans and that’s plenty for me in one meal.

It’s all a process of refinement. Yeah you want variety but it comes at a cost and it’s not really worth it.

I love these areas where you can walk around and there are all these random bushes. I feel spiderwebs everywhere though.

I really love these boots because they make me feel safe from snakes. They come up high enough to protect me when I’m aimlessly walking around out here aimlessly not really paying attention to the appearance of the ground.

Yes, this my first time BLM camping but I have a feeling it’s gonna be hard to top this. I have a feeling that this is as good as it gets. It can’t get much better than this.

Everybody in the United States should be taking advantage of the intense freedom of this and what it represents. Take advantage of it and do it now.

There’s like green wood on this tree. Is that like a family of cactus or something?

Are these bigass cacti really cacti or are they trees? Is there a difference?

I feel like they are just really big cacti.

So are there any tarantulas out here? I’m just wondering what kinda spiders these spiderwebs are coming from.

Is the lighting better if I walk backwards? I should just walk backwards.

You know, I really love expansive, flat land where you can just walk a long way but you don’t really get lost. As long as I can still see my car, I’m good.

That’s like my gauge. If I can’t see it anymore then we’ve got a problem.

The cactus looks dry, it’s dry out here. It’s too dry for a cactus!

He does look parched though.

Hey, I made friends with that other cactus over there, do you guys know each other?

Awww, look at the little baby cactus.

That’s a really pretty cactus, you’re pretty tall. It is what it is. Anyways, I’m partial to my other cactus over there. First cactus I ever met and he’s just got me feelin’ some type of way.

These look like the cacti that have a clique.

They’re like the clique and yeah they’re gonna treat you like shit, but they’re still parted enough for you to stand in the middle so you asked for it.

What’s up you guys? Awww, me and the cacti. I love cacti.

Low key, lost sight of my car. There it is. Wow, see now it’s over there. It’s like… that’s how it goes out here. You turn around and turn around, and then you’re like where the fuck am I?

There’s another cactus up here I wanna see and then I’m gonna turn around. Aww, hi butterfly! I think that was a moth, but whatever.

God dude, this cactus up here, whew, damn dude. I’ll show you in a second. This is an attractive cactus. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trifilin’ on my cactus but, this one… the grass is always greener isn’t it? The cactus is always greener. I know who butters my bread, but I’m just sayin’ this is a pretty good lookin’ one right here.

Looks like it’s having a hard time down here though, what’s up with that? Is that just what they look like?

poses in front of cactus

Cactus got me turnt!

Feel like I need to go right back this way and just retrace my steps. Cuz I didn’t bring a bottle of water with me. It’s not like I’m on a very long walk, but I’m not gonna be going very far off if I don’t have some water.

This is the life right here. Just camp in a place that is stunningly, ridiculously beautiful. You get up, you get out and you walk around. And this is what life is supposed to be about. This is what we’re supposed to do. Just travel and walk.

My towel I spilled soup juice on is just drying out here.

All my gear is basically black, my luggage and what not. My window coverings, the car itself. Everything is dark colored. That’s how I like it cuz it doesn’t attract a lot of attention, you can’t tell very much by looking at it.

All you can see is the flashes of red and orange I have lying around. Cuz it’s warm, and that’s what I like, warm colors.

And that’s kinda why I’m here, cuz I really wanted the warm tone of the desert. It makes me feel good.

(shows bungee cord hooked onto car door handles with towel hanging over it)

This is my bungee cord laundry line idea and it works perfectly as long as you lock the doors, cuz it could potentially pull on these handles to the point where they open. That won’t happen if they’re locked.

Look how great that is, I’m just stoked. It’s the little things.

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I Love Waking Up In My Car

(April 13, 2019)

Video Transcript:

I mean it’s like, think about this…

If you have a car, it’s just sitting in your driveway for most of its life with you not in it and nothing going on in it. And there’s nothing in it and it’s just sitting there.

That would be lonely. Your car, it’s so…

Nice, right? It’s got seats, and it has a roof and stuff. It has windows! There windows everywhere. Some people’s houses don’t even have as many windows as cars have.

You car is just like… there for you. But you’re probably not in it that much, and it’s just sitting there. Nobody in it, nothing going on.

I just realize, I wake up IN my car, and I start looking around and I just feel it. If I wasn’t in here, it’d be sitting somewhere being comfortable and welcoming. Being shelter. Being nice. And pretty. But there would be nobody there to enjoy it.

I’d be sitting in a fuckin’ house or another building, rotting away, slowly dying. While my car is just out here doing the same thing, only like, alone. I love waking up in my car. There’s so much natural light that’s constantly coming in.

And it’s nice. It’s like a little cocoon of rest and rejuvenation.

If you have a comfortable bed in it, it is absolutely a safehaven cocoon of solitude.

Cuz you’re alone in here, ain’t nobody else fitting in here with you, thank God.

Everybody should have this. Everybody should have the individual space and solitude.

We can come together with one another after we’re rested and we’re ready to come together.

But at the end of the day, everybody needs their space. So that they can be restored.

And that makes coming together so much better too.

I’ve never been a huge fan of the saying that “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” It kind of pisses me off a little bit, even though I’ve just said that everybody needs time apart.

I just feel like you can have the best of both worlds. You can have your individual living quarters made for one, and then you can come out and play with people and experience togetherness.

We can have both. You can have it all.

I wake up in my car and I’m so comfortable and so glad to be where I am, because I know that I’m amidst this insanely beautiful desert kind of landscape.

Tomorrow, I could be somewhere else if I wanted.

You can’t do that in a house.

Why do we have houses? We have houses so that we can be sheltered.

I don’t understand why your shelter needs to be all that many times bigger than your body is.

You’re just trying to shelter your body from the elements. Why would you need a big house for that when you could have a small vehicle that provides that shelter.

If you live somewhere in a house that has extreme weather that you have to protect yourself from or else you’re gonna die…

That’s not a problem with a mobile lifestyle because you can move around with the weather.

If you were hella determined about it, you could do that. It would be possible.

The United States has plenty of variation in that way. You could find somewhere it’s warm when it’s winter everywhere else, it’s doable.

Think about your car. Is your car lonely? If your car is lonely, you should probably live in it.